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Our Curriculum

Our Academic Options

Online Education

We are fully supportive of online education and we are there to support boys who choose to learn online. Students are encouraged to maintain a steady pace using the Imagine Learning system and our trained teachers are there to ensure they have the help they need to progress.


Lev Simcha also supports the path for some boys to obtain their GED if their school journey requires. Our trained professionals can assist on a daily basis making sure they are progressing at a meaningful pace so they can get it once they are in their senior year.

Our Culture

Lev Simcha encourages our Talmidim to have daily progress in their work so they can feel successful as they move forward toward their goal of becoming effective and productive people. 

We are a relaxed environment, but we have a strong culture of always moving forward. Every day!

Extra Curricular Options

We strongly believe in a good work life balance and want to produce quality learning more than quantity learning. We have a state of the art audio and video recording studio for the boys to use during specific break time hours. We will also have weekly trips to Veterans park for sports and recreation time.

Career Training

Lev Simcha prides itself on being big believers in guest speakers. We plan on inviting hard working community members across a vast array of careers and trades to comes speak to the boys about their jobs and what they do.  We will also be going on field trips to a variety of workplaces in order that the boys can learn from real life learning examples.

Community Opportunities

We will be having a strong emphasis on leadership and taking opportunities to help in the community. To develop a brand identity in the community as a Chesed oriented Yeshiva with Middos always coming first. Volunteering for Chesed opportunities will be encouraged and supported.

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